WFA Musings - Post Election 2024
While there is a flurry of cabinet appointments to digest and promises from the campaign trail that need to be addressed in the coming months, the issue that I hear most about from our CEO network is “how should we adjust our strategy in a Trumpian world?”
First, and most important to remember, is that the machinery of our Leviathan government grinds slowly and in lieu of an overwhelming mandate from the citizenry, Mr. Trump must prioritize his promises and concentrate on what is probable versus what is fanciful.
WFA Musings - Winter 2023/24
The question is not whether but how and when AI will impact your business; it has likely already been doing so. We at Acropolis Advisors know from decades of experience that there is never a one-size-fits-all answer, and we welcome the opportunity to discuss your specific business needs.
AI is here to stay. It will become more powerful and pervasive every day, month, and year. It can be a tremendous force for business leaders to leverage. “Great” companies will embrace and utilize AI to their advantage.
WFA Musings - Autumn 2023
The question is not whether but how and when AI will impact your business; it has likely already been doing so. We at Acropolis Advisors know from decades of experience that there is never a one-size-fits-all answer, and we welcome the opportunity to discuss your specific business needs.
AI is here to stay. It will become more powerful and pervasive every day, month, and year. It can be a tremendous force for business leaders to leverage. “Great” companies will embrace and utilize AI to their advantage.
WFA Musings - Summer 2023
Irrespective of the period of time, pundits will generally characterize the present period as one of “change.” By definition, we always need to refresh and amend our business strategies based on a frank assessment of future conditions. Some folks go so far as to say that developing a corporate strategy is a waste of time because current market conditions are too complicated and topsy-turvy. In their view, all one needs is a statement of values, purpose, and a set of short-term objectives. We would characterize this approach as “wishful thinking.”
WFA Musings - Spring 2023
Irrespective of the period of time, pundits will generally characterize the present period as one of “change.” By definition, we always need to refresh and amend our business strategies based on a frank assessment of future conditions. Some folks go so far as to say that developing a corporate strategy is a waste of time because current market conditions are too complicated and topsy-turvy. In their view, all one needs is a statement of values, purpose, and a set of short-term objectives. We would characterize this approach as “wishful thinking.”